Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Starting out--Greenhorn Blogger!

My friend Tonica has been doing this for several months and tonight I broke down and set my profile up.  As the blog title indicates, this is my first blog!  The title of my blogger page is "Steph's Landslide".  My life is not sliding downhill, rather things are in flux, in constant motion.  I really like Fleetwood Mac's song "Landslide" and that was my inspiration for the name.  When I talk about my life, or things that are on my mind, things will change.  Some changes hurt more than others.  Some are only different.  I hope I get some positive feedback, at least constructive feedback.

So what's on my mind?  The flood of 2011 and the death of bin Laden.  For anyone not in the flood zones of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, we are discussing the constant rains that have caused levees to crumble, lakes and rivers to flood, and countless people driven from their homes to escape the water.  For anyone who has been living in a cave or in a sequestered jury, a Navy Seals team took out Osama bin Laden and for people who want to see the gory proof, there is a video from WikiLeaks going viral.

I have seen and heard countless examples of neighbors pulling together, strangers becoming friends as they help each other, and that to me is the silver lining to this dark cloud that has hovered over our area during this past week and a half.  It doesn't matter what town you're from, what state you're from, what matters is what's in your heart and soul.  I have seen plenty of heart and soul, and the prayers from those unaffected really helps too.  To know people hear and instead of saying, "Oh well, that's not me" are saying, "Thank God, it's not me and please God help those people".  God is with us all and He's been listening and is listening.

I'm not sure what God would have to say to the people who are throwing parties and shouting "Hallelujah" at the death of bin Laden.  I have to be so careful here because I was born after Hitler's regime but when I heard about the Holocaust by way of reading The Diary of Anne Frank, and found out that Hitler was already gone, my reaction was, "Good."  However, unfortunately, when bin Laden was buried at sea, all of his victims were not restored to their previous selves and lives.  The families are justified in feeling some kind of justice has been reached.  Beyond that, is life so cheap that we need to have a party when anyone dies???  Yes, I know I will probably get some strong replies and that is good.  I need to have feedback and am looking forward to it.

I did not share too much personal information tonight.  I am going to end with my personal mantra:  "Where there is life, there is hope".

Good night and God Bless, Steph Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogger world... Steph, I want to celebrate, yet I hold back knowing this is the wrong time and the wrong way to celebrate. I'm afraid there are more just like them and because of how we did it. We will be attacked for our pride in out country while they will see it as arrogance. Love you, I love your writing style. Tonica<><
