Sunday, March 25, 2012

Marching On

I have had a wild and woolly month for March.  My accident-prone gene was activated....and noone warned me!  I found out three times this month, fortunately not all on the same day, but all on my left side.  Ouch!  The first time I didn't fall but got my bad foot caught under itself and twisted.  A week and a day later, it was raining hard, and I slipped on the wet grass by just walking, and didn't fall but I slid and jerked the whole ankle and leg. Another x-ray and this time a doctor's visit.  No break just lots of bruising.  Sigh.  Well, then this last Wednesday morning, right at 6 am, I'm on the back porch and step on the top step, my feet slide out from under me and I fall down the three steps on my butt.  Ugh!  Twelve weeks before the bruising goes down on that tailbone, according to my good doctor.  Fortunately, this weekend has been beautiful and sunny. No falling!  No slipping!

Why did I say "marching on" you may ask, my friends.  I have just worn my brace, taken ibuprofen, and kept marching on, to the bus stop, to work, to lunch, to home, and back again.  There have been times I have been whiny because my foot burned and hurt, but I kept going.  I am very thankful that my foot and leg did not get broken.  I have found that with a good support system and good planning, practically anything is possible.  We still don't have the car running, but our good friends Lisa and Gary have helped us with rides whenever we couldn't afford the cab ride or couldn't use the bus to get something done.   We have ridden the bus everywhere else which helps on money.   We just have to allow the extra time in transit.

I am looking forward to April, and celebrating another Easter.  Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal, and we are all ready for some.   As part of my renewal, I have made a goal to make at least one blog post a week.  Hopefully, I will post more often than this, but I have to start with an attainable goal.

I hope that I will have some followers and readers soon to appreciate my thoughts.  Until then, world, here's me.  Me, here's the world.  Have a wonderful week!  Steph

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First Quarter 2012

Wow, I have been too busy to blog.  I have been too busy to do a lot of things, including exercise.   Starting April 2, I will not have time to NOT exercise.  I have accepted a Beachbody Challenge from my best friend Kathy.  She has organized a group of people to do this.

Why have I been too busy??  Let's see, had surgery the second week of January, had the endometriosis (yes, it grew back a THIRD time, sigh) cleaned out and an ovarian cyst removed.  Since then, I have not missed any unplanned time from work.  I have been trying to keep up with friends and family on Facebook, tried to get our finances straightened out, and spend time with David and the kids.

I do believe that for the most part I have come out of this a better person.  There are a few things I learned about myself that I have to work on that I didn't like about myself.  I learned how important my family and friends are and I saw who my true friends are.  I'm blessed that I have a large number of true friends.  True friends maybe can't be there in your life 24/7, but they can be there in your life when you need them and when they need you.

Until the next time,
Steph Lynn